Sage 100 Cloud Hosting is a way of preserving the benefits of your investment in software and skills while having the advantages of a cloud service.
Here are a dozen reasons why you should consider hosting Sage in the cloud:
1. Eliminates the need for a server
There’s no need to buy a server to install your Sage 200 Evolution or Sage 50cloud Pastel Partner ever again.
So, no capital expenditure, just a fully deductible monthly operational expense. You’ll reduce your hardware support costs, insurance costs and electricity costs, and gain many benefits as outlined below.
2. Makes upgrading easy
When you purchase physical hardware it’s often specified to the maximum amount of RAM, CPU and hard drive, which you may never need to use. With a virtual private server you can set it up and adjust it on the fly for optimal performance and cost management.
3. Ensures physical security of your servers
Safety and security are major issues in South Africa. Should your office be broken into and all your equipment stolen, you would need a comprehensive backup strategy to recover your servers.
This problem disappears when you have a virtual private server (VPS) hosted in a tier 3 data centre.
4. Offers a better opportunity to manage server cyber security
Cyber security is a major headache, with malware, ransomware and disgruntled employees able to wreak havoc in an organisation.
If a staff member opens a ransomware email that infects all connected devices then it won’t infect a virtual private server because it doesn’t sit in your network,
The hosted server should be in a tier 3 data centre with full Internet security and have adequate cloud hosted cyber security software installed.
5. Enables business continuity
A natural disaster would prevent access to your office but not to your virtual private server. So, if you moved your staff to a backup location, they would connect their laptops or new hardware to the virtual private server and carry on working.
6. Makes it easier to perform disaster recovery
When a server is hosted in a virtual environment there are many tools to create an up-to-date image of the server at a point in time. Should the virtual private server be damaged or unable to run, this image can be used to very quickly reinstate the service in another location.
7. Improves RPO and RTO
RPO and RTO are terms in disaster recovery.
RPO = recovery point objective is the time of the last backup of a server.
RTO = recovery time objective is the time it takes to recover a server from a backup and have it available to use.
Recovering a server is difficult when it sits on-site at your office – first a new one must be sourced, either at the office or in the cloud, and connectivity to it must then be established.
In a hosted environment the provisioning of a new server can be quick so your recovery time objective is low.
Also, to know more about Sage 500 Hosting or Hosting for Sage 300, visit Apps4rent.