Changing your Cash App password frequently may not necessarily prevent your account from being closed. While it's a good practice to maintain the security of your account, account closure can occur for various reasons, including violations of Cash App's terms of service, suspicious activity, or other issues.
Closing your Cash App account is a decision made by you, the account holder, not Cash App. If you choose to close your account, you can initiate the process by contacting Cash App support or going through the account closure steps in the app. It's not something that Cash App does to you; rather, it's a choice you make.
Losing access to your $cashtag (your unique Cash App username) and money can happen if you voluntarily close your account or if your account is closed by Cash App due YourTexasBenefits Application to violations of their terms of service. In both cases, you should follow Cash App's procedures to resolve the situation or recover your funds.
If Cash App closes your account due to a violation of their terms of service or for any other reason, it's essential to contact Cash App customer support for clarification and resolution. Opening a new account with another app without addressing the issue may not be a viable solution, as it could potentially lead to similar problems if the underlying issue is not resolved.