Cryptocurrency exchange platform that was built on a decentralized network and smart contract is known as web3 based cryptocurrency exchange platform. Web3 based cryptocurrency exchange development eliminates the necessity of a middleman. It means unlike Web2, there is no centralized database that stores the state of the application. Furthermore, there will be no centralized web server where the backend logic will be housed. As a leading Web3 Development Company we Bitdeal develop & deploy world-class web3 based cryptocurrency exchange platforms based on your business needs with the use of web3 technologies. If you want to know more about the web3 exchange, how does it works? you can read this >> Web3 Exchanges - Make Faster, Secured, and Decentralized Exchange Of Digital Assets. If you are looking to create a own web3 exchange platform you can launch it instantly just by reaching any web3 development company like Bitdeal.