If you're like most people, scheduling a visit to the dermatologist every year probably isn't near the top of your to-do list. A dermatologist is trained to detect skin cancer, but they may also help with less serious issues you may be experiencing with your skin. It's best to consult a dermatologist instead of trying to figure out what's wrong with your skin by reading the symptoms online.

Your skin stays flushed and reddened all the time:

Rosacea is frequently the cause of red spots on the skin that have the appearance of acne. If you are experiencing this, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist so that they may offer a treatment that is particular to your case.

You've noticed a bald spot or you're losing a significant amount of hair:

Your dermatologist will evaluate what is going on and will talk to you about the many treatment options that are available for your particular problem. This could have been caused by a few different reasons.

A mole that seems to be growing or shrinking draws your attention:

If you have a mole, whether it was there at birth or appeared later, you should have it checked at least once a year. The importance of this cannot be overstated if you have observed any changes in the size, shape, or colour of your moles. As an added precaution, you should visit a dermatologist if the bumps are itchy, bleeding, painful, scabbing, or have developed into non-healing sores. Cancer of the skin can occur in persons of any skin tone. Seeing a dermatologist is important regardless of skin tone.

Your pimple needs immediate attention:

These are not only excruciating, but they always seem to appear at the most inopportune times. The majority of the time, hormonal shifts, stress, or bacteria that is difficult to manage are the root causes of this form of acne. Paying a visit to your dermatologist is all that is necessary to get the pain and inflammation under control. Additionally, it will speed up the process of healing.

That acne on your face just won't go away:

In spite of the fact that many home cures and over-the-counter medicines might be effective, there are times when nothing seems to help. Seeking the advice of a dermatologist will result in a more personalised and productive treatment plan. In addition, there are other skin problems that seem like acne but aren't. There is a chance that you're using the wrong remedy for the skin condition. Acne scars and acne that won't go away should be treated by a dermatologist.

Your skin is dry, itchy and irritated:

This is typically more than a seasonal side effect, and it may be eczema in some cases. When something itches for more than a week, it's time to make an appointment with a dermatologist. After conducting a thorough examination of your skin, your dermatologist will be able to make recommendations regarding treatments that will help relieve the itching as well as other available choices.

You have rough scaly patches on your body:

Psoriasis is frequently the cause of such an issue. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system sends signals instructing skin cells to multiply at an abnormally high rate, leading to the buildup of red, thick scales on the skin's surface. If you visit a dermatologist, he or she can give you personalized treatment recommendations.

For more information about dermology treatment-related queries do contact Dr Sajjas clinic.

Dr. Prakash Sajja MBBS., M.D(D.V.L.) is the best Dermatologist in Tirupati. He provides you with the best treatments for all problems that relate to your skin as well as your hair.

Do call 9440830455 or Fill out our Appointment form to get in touch!

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