The third installment of the well-known amusement horror game, Poppy Playtime, is out. You will continue to uncover the murky mysteries of the Playtime toy factory and battle the ferocious toy monsters in this section. To break into circuits or remote-capture anything, you must use your GrabPack. To avoid being caught up on Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy, Bron, and their other buddies' pursuit, you will also need to solve puzzles and get the essential supplies.
Mob Entertainment is working on Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, which should be released this year in June or July. This episode is based on the shocking conclusion of Part 2, in which you nearly leave the Playtime Co. plant by train but Poppy diverts you to the enigmatic Playcare region just in time to avoid the ship crashing into the pit. Playcare, a nursery that was originally operated in a toy factory, came to a terrible end when the entire staff vanished. The first scene of Part 3's teaser features a gas mask, implying that you'll encounter horrific creatures nearby. The third chapter of Poppy Playtime is said to provide gamers a compelling narrative and a distinctive horror encounter. Using BlueStacks, you may play Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 on a PC or on other systems including Android and iOS. Play Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 to find out if you can make it through the phantom toy factory alive.