What Is A Short-Throw Projector?

Short-throw projectors are often used in classrooms because they provide the ability to reach all students without having to move around the room and have everyone sit close together, but they are also popular with home theater enthusiasts because they allow viewers to experience large screens without being crammed into one On Pick a projector.

What is Short Throw Projector? Defining short-throw projectors is simple. If a projector is capable of showing a 100” image from less than 9 feet or 3 meters, then it's considered a short throw. Projectors that require more than 9 feet or 3 meters to deliver an image 100” in size are regarded as a regular throw. for the best projectors visit p for projector, Short throw can create far greater images at much shorter distances, making them ideally suited to those who only have a small area in which to house their projector, so schools and bedrooms are ideal for these type of projectors.