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What the objective of your book is should be your first priority. Do you want to create a personal memoir or a business book? How many copies were printed, and how many people are going to read them? Who is the target market for your ghostwriting? Do these represent younger or older adults? Do they read about intriguing topics in their leisure time or do they have kids who need help with their homework and chores? All of these inquiries will assist in providing clarity regarding the type of content that should be there in your manuscript so that readers clearly understand why they should purchase your book as opposed to one authored by someone else.
What the objective of your book is should be your first priority. Do you want to create a personal memoir or a business book? How many copies were printed, and how many people are going to read them? Who is the target market for your ghostwriting services? Do these represent younger or older adults? Do they read about intriguing topics in their leisure time or do they have kids who need help with their homework and chores? All of these inquiries will assist in providing clarity regarding the type of content that should be there in your manuscript so that readers clearly understand why they should purchase your book as opposed to one authored by someone else.