Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi
The marriage is solemnized / performed in accordance with Vedic rites. In Arya Samaj Marriage, pooja is not performed to any specific deity as Arya Samaj doesn’t believe in idol worship; fire and the other elements are the only witnesses to the marriage ceremony. After the performance of marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir provides Marriage Certificate to the married couple. As per the wishes and option of the parties the Arya Samaj Marriage can be got registered before a Marriage Registrar, and thereafter,The Marriage Registrar provides Marriage Certificate to the Married Couple.

Certificate of marriage is a document providing social security, self-confidence particularly among married women.Certificate of marriage is useful in getting the visa for the wife/husband. It will be helpful in claiming the Bank deposits or Life Insurance benefits when the depositee or the Insurer dies without a nomination or otherwise. Certificate of marriage is a document, which provides valuable evidence of marriage.

The marriage certificate provided by Arya Samaj is completely valid and getting which you become legal husband and wife. After getting Marriage Certificate, neither one can make any harm to you legally nor this certificate be challenged in any court. Furthermore, on the basis of this certificate you can register your marriage in Marriage Registrar Office.