American fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO. The first novel in the fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, titled A Game of Thrones, The series was filmed in Spain, Malta, Morocco, Croatia, Iceland, Canada, and the UK. It debuted on April 17, 2011, and had 73 episodes across eight seasons.Everything you could want is in the series, including action, romance, family turmoil, politics, and betrayal. You are aware that the series' IMDb rating was roughly 9.3 stars. The Game of Thrones index is the cause of all this fan dominance. The best CGI and screenplay are the results of the producers' and makers' work and sweat, Additionally, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss succeeded in conquering hearts with their 8 outstanding seasons. Follow the blog all the way to the end to learn more about the Index Game of Thrones.The first Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on April 17, 2011, in the U.S. and concluded on June 19, 2011. It consists of 10 episodes, each for 40 to 60 minutes.The second season of Game of Thrones premiered in the United States on HBO on April 1, 2012, and concluded on June 3, 2012. It consists of 10 episodes, each running around 50–60 minutes.