Developer’s Bounty Of Mobile Wallet / 移动端钱包开发赏金计划
Contentos is launching a bounty of mobile wallet including iOS and Android. Developer of the final adopted one will be awarded 200,000 COS.
- Can generate BIP39 mnemonic and deduce standard public key and private key of contentos from the mnemonic.
- Can create accounts on main chain of contentos.
- Can import accounts from private keys or mnemonics.
- Can read COS balance, VEST balance, stamina of an account.
- Can transfer COS, deposit COS to VEST, freeze COS to STAKE, withdraw COS from VEST, unfreeze COS from STAKE.
- Can read current block producer list and vote to one of them.
- Need register to join the activity.
- Need describe your wallet’s procedure to us to review before you really beginning your coding.
- Either open source or give us permission to access your source code for reviewing.
- You can know how to query and send transactions from web wallet
- We prepared testdata contains bip39’s mnemonic with the deduced key-pairs.
- Register by reply this topic with information how we can contract with you.
开发 iOS 端和 Android 端 wallet 的悬赏:
Contentos 正在发起面向移动开发者的奖励计划:contentos 移动端 wallet 开发。最终被采纳的开发者可以获得 20 万 COS 的奖励。
- 生成 BIP39 助记词,并通过助记词生成 contentos 公私钥
- 在 contentos 主链上创建账号
- 通过助记词或者私钥导入账号
- 查看账号 COS 余额,VEST 余额,剩余耐力值
- 支持 COS 转账,抵押 COS 为 VEST,抵押 COS 为 STAKE 获取耐力,赎回抵押 VEST 为 COS,赎回抵押 STAKE 为 COS
- 查看当前 Block Producer,并能通过钱包给 Block Producer 投票
- 需要报名参加本次开发悬赏活动
- 开发前提供简单的流程图或者流程描述供审核
- 代码开源或者提供 contentos 官方阅读权限,我们会对代码审计,或者提供反馈意见
- 可以参考 web wallet 了解如何查询数据与发送交易
- 我们提供了 BIP39 和对应公私钥的测试数据供验证
- 回复这个主题并留下联系方式进行报名
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