Can you text United?

Suppose you face a problem while using any of the services of United Airlines and want to contact customer service but have no information on How can you text on United Airlines, no problem, as you can send a message to (26266) and choose the preferred option. But remember that this number is for people who reside in the United States or Canada.

Steps to text United Airlines

If you reside outside of US or Canada and want to contact the airline, then also you can text by following the given steps to find the contact number for your country and text the airline:

  • Open the official webpage of United Airlines on your phone or web browser.
    Go to the “Contact us” option.
    Find the text number of the United States.
    Send a “Help” message to the airline text number.
    Then, select the service with which you need help.
    Enter your “Flight number” and press the options as per your choice.

If you are not able to get through to someone by using the text method, then there are other methods also through which you can contact the airline, which you can find on the official webpage of United Airlines.