How do I Convert PST to EML File Format in Bulk?

If you are looking for effortless and error-free solution to convert PST files to EML format including emails, contacts, notes, attachments, tasks, journals, etc then you may take help of most reliable ZOOK PST to EML Converter software. It is dedicated tool to convert PST to EML file format to access PST files in any EML supported email clients like Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and many more. The software supports PST files of all editions of Microsoft Outlook.
Read more- Convert PST to EML

Converting PST (Outlook Personal Storage Table) files to EML (Email Message) format in bulk can be done using specialized software. One such tool that can help you achieve this is Stellar Converter for PST. Here's how to use it:

Download and install Stellar Converter for PST on your computer.
Launch the software and click on the "Add File" button to select the PST files you want to convert. You can select multiple PST files for bulk conversion.
After adding the PST files, preview the mailbox items within the software.
Select the mailbox folders or specific emails you want to convert to EML format. You can also choose to convert all items.
Click on the "Convert" button.
Choose "EML" as the output format and specify the destination folder where the converted EML files will be saved.
Start the conversion process.
Once the conversion is complete, you'll have EML files for each email in the specified folder. The software will maintain the folder structure from the original PST file.
