Change Booking

If the booking was made on, you can change your travel dates, times, destination or update your ticket type using our travel management feature. However, if your booking includes partner airline flights or has been made with our reservations team, please contact us to make any necessary changes.
Please note that if you also purchased travel accessories directly from Change booking, they will not be automatically carried over to your new booking and you will need to rebook.
Changes can be made up to two hours before the scheduled departure time, after which all money related to the flight (except state taxes) will not be refunded.
Changes may be subject to a change fee and a difference in ticket price depending on the type of ticket purchased.
Please note that the difference between the ticket price and the travel credit is non-refundable if the new ticket price is lower than the original price or if a lower ticket price occurs after purchase.
In case of cancellation or non-use of individual flight segments on the ticket, a change and price difference may be applied depending on the price of the purchased ticket.
Modifications are only allowed from the same country of origin and all travel must be completed within one year from the original purchase date.
In the event of a voluntary route change, the Upgrade product is non-transferable and non-refundable.

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