Start by determining your user and content requirements, such as target audience, scalability, and available formats.
Find a hosting partner that meets your technical demands. Consider user accessability, hostingaccessibility capacity, technical support, security, and more.
Select a streaming technology and video player solution that meets your requirements.
Continuously test the platform rigorously to ensure the video streams are reliable and viewable without lag or hiccups.
Incorporate an educational element into the platform. Options range from lectures, to instructor-led classes, to pre-recorded video content.
Optimize the user experience by providing access to resources, tools, and other learning materials within the platform.
Integrate a payment gateway to accept credit card payments from users.
Ensure the platform is secure with the appropriate access control measures. This includes authentication, encryption, and other means of protection.
Monitor user engagement and review feedback to refine the platform and customer experience over time.
Connect with educators, institutions, and organizations to create a vibrant educational video platform.