How can I be a great math tutor?

I make no claims about being a great tutor, as most students of even the tutors I would assess as bad (or at least lacking in some key areas of their teaching) tend to pass. As far as I know most of mine pass also, so I'm at worst not terrible.

Here are a few of my observations of tutoring classes of 15-35 students, in no particular order.

Students rise - or fall - to what is expected of them. Someone socialised to be bad at maths will tend to be bad at maths unless their own determination to do so rises above the (often unconscious) sense of social pressure/expectations. To counter that, be someone who expects good results or good work from your students, without being either dominating (inspiring fear and negativity) or unnecessarily harsh (sometimes a level of harshness is warranted; sometimes it's necessary). That is, socialise them in class to know that it's within their grasp to be good at it.
Students often respond in like mind to the attitude the tutor brings to class. If teaching is burdensome to you, so is learning for most of them. If teaching is a joy, it will infect your class and perhaps spread openly to some of them to become as enthusiastic as you (or more so).

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