All of the practical solutions to environmental ecocide, and its demon child mass famine migration, exist.
But without trillions of available dollars being spent, the climate deniers win.
There are 5 achievable steps:
Swallow hard, cover your eyes and create a greed based model, that is the only possible way to motivate the financial world, to unlock existing available trillions, needed to create an acceptable future.
Those who have been lied to about problems and solutions, need more of the truth, but in a way that motivates them to act.
Persuade environmental and humanitarian decent human beings to stop fighting over which solutions are best, as this allows the greed and power obsessed elite, to divide and conquer.
Accept everything cannot happen at once, and ‘compromise’ may be necessary to save the natural world and the human race.
Agree that magic bullets are fairy tales, and that transitional solutions are also needed to achieve a perfect sustainable energy matrix.
None of the above will be without their green detractors and the deniers and apologists will go on the attack because this plan works. However I had to go into a dark room to steel myself for number 1.
The trillions that subsidise fossil fuels, can be raided to fix the planet .
The International Monetary Fund says 7% of the world’s GDP is paid effectively into the pockets of fossil energy organisations.
That is $7 trillion effectively ‘trousered’ by the elite, who are helping to rape the planet we live on. So we are paying them, to kill us.
Bill Gates says it will cost $5 trillion spread over a period of time to fix the whole planet (REF A) Others say more or less.
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