Within the first few hours following the release of the playtest the number of players peaked at more than 100k Dark And Darker Gold. This is just mind-blowing even for an early alpha. This means that there are numerous new players joining Dark and Darker and Darker, which is why we'll look at some strategies that can assist players in closing the gap between them and players who participated in earlier alphas as fast as they can.
Just like in games from earlier times, crouching is again. It appears like most of the games of the past has the crouch feature that, when pressed into the air, allows players to add a little height when they leap. In Dark and Darker, this is how players get on top of objects to confuse NPC AI. They also jump over objects to stay clear of or quickly approach enemies or make jumps they normally would not have.
It's crucial for novice players to discover that crouch jumping is a thing and to become comfortable with it as fast as they can. Once this is an established method, players enjoy a lot of advantages over opponents who do not use this technique. Plus, it even allows players to shield the weakest point of their head by keeping their skull far away.
Perhaps the most obvious, but the most important first tip for newcomers is the importance of headshots. In melee combat with arrows, or even with magic striking NPCs or other players with headshots should always be the first priority.
This isn't one of the games where headshots just result in a tiny amount of additional damage. If you play Dark and Darker, headshots basically deal double damage Dark And Darker Gold for sale, making it easier to get used to shooting towards the head can increase the speed of combat in PvE or PvP a lot more effective in general.